Chicago Zine Fest 2018 Recap

This weekend at Chicago Zine Fest at the Plumber’s Union Hall we debuted Alli’s very first zine Pump Station, a comic about her experiences breastfeeding and pumping. It began as a personal list of all the places she found herself at varying levels of exposure while keeping our baby alive and grew into a deeper exploration of her overall experiences as a 21st century working mom. I was fortunate enough to do the illustrations, and we had a lot of fun on this, our second major collaboration.   Zine Fest was a lot of fun since Cora got to hangout and start working on her first zine. If you didn’t make it out and want a copy, just message me and we’ll figure out the best way to get them listed on the shop. I’ll be dropping off copies at Quimby’s in Chicago tomorrow, so you’ll be able to pick up a copy there as well!

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