Make Your Own Pence Fly!

Follow these Easy Steps to make your own Pence Fly:

  1. Get your Supplies! Just 1/2 a Black Pipe Cleaner, 2 Googly Eyes, White Card Stock (or just paper), and a Pencil.

2. Cut Out your Fly’s Wings. Think a stretched out infinite sign or figure eight- maybe a mouse bra?

3. Fold the wings in half and then fold the tip of the pipe cleaner in on itself about 3/8s of an inch to hold the wings in place. Begin to coil the pipe cleaner around itself to bulk out the body of the fly.

4. Give your Fly the Gift of SIGHT! If you don’t have a set of Compound Eyes laying around a googly pair will do.

5. Put the Fly in your hair…or someone else’s hair before they get on a Zoom call!

New Mascot for the GOP

Participating in the tradition of satire, our fly succinctly illustrated the truth- that when Vice President Pence was denying systemic racism and implicit bias that fly smelled what was coming out of his mouth… and it wasn’t honey.

While the FLY HEARD ROUND the WORLD may be distracting us from the real issues at hand, I think that little scamp provided not just comic relief, but hardcore satire. Here we had a living embodiment of a trope from cartoon history that comes from lexicon of images that has long been used to subvert despots and sycophants, going back to Honore Daumier (and much further). Daumier’s cartoons subverted the abuses of power by King Louis Phillipe, illustrating through symbolic and metaphoric imagery the truth of tyrants and aristocrats. (Here’s a PDF about Daumier from my favorite art museum The Phillips Collection!)

Participating in the tradition of satire, our fly succinctly illustrated the truth- that when Vice President Pence was denying systemic racism and implicit bias that fly smelled what was coming out of his mouth… and it wasn’t honey.

There’s a lot of bull sh*t out there now and we all need to pay attention to where we’re getting information. Don’t just follow MEMEs but read. And when you do, like a good like fly, use the CRAP test.

So have fun with the fly and have a laugh- but don’t stop at giggling and take action. Vote and donate if you can. And don’t forget to VOTE!

Are you Ready for the 100 Character Challenge?

The Final Chapter in the Summer Edition of Foto Dojo is a Challenge! As our final video for our Cartooning Summer Camp, the Foto Dojo 100*** Character Challenge will push you to dig deep for new ideas! Are you ready to draw?

The Final Chapter in the Summer Edition of Foto Dojo is a Challenge! As our final video for our Cartooning Summer Camp, the Foto Dojo 100*** Character Challenge is designed to push your cartooning abilities to the max and encourage you to dig deep for new ideas! After mastering the techniques from Episode 1-5, you are well prepared to knock out as many characters as possible- within a week (give or take a month?)

(***And if you’re 12 and under, you can do the 50 character Challenge- same great challenge- half the toons!)

So ready to start drawing? Here’s the 100 Character Challenge Printable Sheet!Print it as many times as you need (or also just use blank sheets of paper!)

To encourage everyone to take the challenge, the first 10 people (with U.S. mailing addresses) to submit pictures of their completed 100 character challenge sheets with 100 different, new and original characters (stick figures don’t count!) to the website via the SUBMISSION PAGE will receive either a Dragon or a Goat enamel pin.

We’ll post your work (probably just a few of your images) on the Foto Dojo Gallery with your first and last initial (unless you want your full name up. If you want you can include a pic of you with the drawings (or the drawings cleverly hiding most of your face). For full rules check out the Foto Dojo page on  
100 Character Challenge

Behold, Y’all! Episode 5 of Foto Dojo: Onto how to DRAW your own characters in 3D

Today Episode 5 is officially launched for this week’s episode of the Free Cartooning virtual workshop that is Foto Dojo! This video will walk you through drawing your own characters built on 3D shapes (that you practiced and learned in Episode 4), so you can make your own!

Adam walks you through how he builds 4 characters (and then zips through another 4 at the end) so you can see different ways to make your own- either improvising based on what you see in the shapes or choosing shapes to fit the characters you want to make!

Bring Your Toons into the Third Dimension!!!

Want to take your cartoons into the 3rd Dimension?! This video shows how to draw basic 3D shapes that you can use as building blocks for making your characters jump off the page!

This is a good first step before Episode 5 which will cover stacking the shapes that you make here like the CUBE, SPHERE, or the ICOSAHEDRON (okay, no icosahedrons in this one, but you will use one later when making a RANDOM COMIC!!!)


Week 2 Begins for Foto Dojo with a New Video: Episode 3

This week in the Dragon and Goat cartooning virtual summer camp we start off with a new video about how to look for shapes in existing comics and cartoons. By drawing the basic shapes you see, you can build all new characters and have a better understanding of how master cartoonists made their toons come to life.

For this video we look at Aaron McGruder’s Boondocks, Charles Schulz’s Peanuts, and Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes.

Check it out on our Youtube Channel or on the Dragon and Goat page FOTO DOJO!

Join us for FOTO DOJO: Dragon & Goat’s Virtual Cartooning Summer Camp!

We hope you’re staying safe and healthy this summer. We had fun bringing you the Quarantinuum Quoloring Book for the 1st 2 months of the pandemic and now we’re here to help you get through the summer or, at least, make some comics along the way!

Throughout July as host and featured artist of Foto Dojo, Adam will be posting some How-to Cartooning Videos to walk you ( or the little person you continue to be trapped with) through drawing cartoons and making comics.

The first two debuted July 1 on our youtube channel, and we’ll shoot to get a few videos up a week along with posting PDFs of worksheets to help you make your own toons and comix!

So get ready to ink up and make your own comics this Summer!

You can watch the vids on the FOTO DOJO page on the D&G website or on our Youtube Channel (and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!)

March Onward!

Dragon and Goat is an all ages comic. A funny adventure comic, designed to give us a laugh but also to think critically about the world around us. With roots in satire, we have not shied away from the political (take a look at Dragon and Goat Goes to Washington to see our take on George W. Bush), but because kids and young people are dealing with so much now, we have wanted during the quarantine for the D&G space to be more a site of comfort despite having to live at home and in isolation thanks to Covid 19.

But in light the events since the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and so many others, we want to make crystal clear that we at Dragon and Goat believe that Black Lives Matter, and we are committed to doing the work of anti-racism. 

What has been happening with protests and riots in Chicago around the world has been bubbling up over 400 years of trauma for Black people in the United State since 1619 and long before. (Check out this article on In Defense of Looting) Things aren’t just getting heavy now– they’re now becoming visible- at least to white Americans and other Americans whose privilege lets them overlook the weight on Black and Brown people: ultimately the pain, the hurt, and the systemic violence that is baked into the racist system that is our United States.

As uncomfortable as we all may feel, do not ask for things to go back to normal. To return to normal is to return to blindness. Instead keep your eyes open and listen. Ask how can I be an agent of change?

Change comes in big and little packages. Help a neighbor. Be kind to a stranger. Buy someone groceries (if you can, and if you can’t check out). Insist that we get an accurate Census Count. Work for voter registration in communities of color (and vote by mail!). Commit to making sure communities of color are at decision making tables (and their voices are actually heard and amplified). Vote out fascist presidents. Look to help build something new and better together and know when to let others speak and listen.

If you’re white and looking to help take a look at Dr. Eddie Moore’s 21 Day Challenge for a plethora of resources and a nicely structured way to better understand the system and social construct of racism in the United States- and  for change, especially in yourself. Know that you will make mistakes but be humble and always be ready to course correct.

If you’re out there doing the work, protesting and helping others take care of yourself and stay safe. Places like Brave Space Alliance have lots of resources for protesters and anyone who’s having trouble with food access or housing.

We love our city of Chicago and our country, but we have to help it become something greater and better for all people. March onward!

May the Fourth Be With You

As the Quarantine continues (at least in Illinois…Tennessee and Georgia.. and the South, wow, you guys hang in there!), Dragon and Goat are going into SPACE this week, starting off with our Star Wars coloring page for May 4th! It’s time to get out your telescopes, transponders, and tribbles as we mash up some sci-fi universes and spend, maybe, a little time in the real world thinking about the Final Frontier…

Keep following their adventures in the Quarantinuum Quoloring Book and have your own Space Odyssey to stave off SPACE MADNESS…..