Resurrecting the Woolly Mammoth with: SCIENCE!

Okay, so maybe not resurrecting the woolly mammoth just yet, but recently my friends at the Aiden Lab Center for Genome Architecture and their collaborators across the globe have published a paper in CELL about their research into how 3D structures of DNA are preserved in the fossilized remains of a wooly mammoth that is 52,000 years old!

Okay, so maybe not resurrecting the woolly mammoth just yet, but recently my friends at the Aiden Lab Center for Genome Architecture and their collaborators across the globe have published a paper in CELL about their research into how 3D structures of DNA are preserved in the fossilized remains of a wooly mammoth that is 52,000 years old!

This discovery allows for quicker assembly of genomes through their Hi-C mapping process and better understanding of gene expression in the woolly mammoth genome. Their goal isn’t really to bring back the woolly mammoth but their are some scientists working on it- for some reason?

Anyway, for the paper I created some of the graphics, some elephants, a horse, cow, and a scientist shooting beef jerky with a shot gun! Plus a Houston Astro pitcher throwing a fastball at the beef jerky and someone running it over with a car- I mean, that’s my kind of science!

The paper is here in CELL: Volume 187, ISSUE 14, P3541-3562.e51, July 11, 2024 and directly-click-through-able at:

I also created some feature images/ cover proposals for the journal that are also floating around there in media packets and some other articles picking up the article. Didn’t make the cover but maybe next time!

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