Printer’s Row Lit Fest- The Thyme Bandit makes its Debut!

Be sure to come out to Chicago’s Printer’s Row Lit Fest this weekend, Saturday and Sunday (on Dearborn between Harrison and Polk) to check out the newest Dragon and Goat book- The Thyme Bandit! We’ll have a limited quantity of advanced copies to sell at one of our biggest summer festivals. Look for the “Dragon and Goat Comics” tent DD on Polk. It’s the one next to the CSPAN tent (and on the West-side of it) along with Capehorn Illustration.

If you’ve never made it to Printer’s Row Lit Fest, there are tons of used books, publishers, and authors/creators on site for talks and to sell you dead trees! Be sure to stop by! Plus, did we mention the CSPAN tent! What’s more exciting than that?!

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