As people keep putting up walls, we have to remember to keep jumping them.

I meant to post this earlier but it seems even more appropriate as our President continues to try cram a wall down our throats. This is me, my daughter, wife, sister, nieces and bro-in-law, walking along the wall at the burial site of Andrew Johnson, the the first president to be impeached- and hopefully he won’t be the last!

My sister, brother, and I used to hike up Monument Hill since it was conveniently across the street from our childhood home. We even used the National Monument for sledding until the Park Rangers ran us off (yes, much like Yogi Bear.)

This jaunt after a Christmas lunch was particularly special, despite the mud. We weren’t being political in the moment, just living our lives and having fun, but afterwards it did make me think about wall-hopping and wall-walking.

We don’t need more walls. We don’t need more barriers, but as people keep putting them up we have to remember to keep jumping them. We didn’t have any fear of crossing the wall because of our societal status (class, race, economics, social cache in a small town, etc), but for those who don’t have such privilege, we have to use our position to bring others up and tear down walls, whether physical or ideological.


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