Comics Making Workshop with Pocket Con & Chicago Public Library

I’m really looking forward to the Comics workshop I’ll be running this afternoon with Kendra Mealy of Chicago Public Library’s Little Italy Branch. It’s the launch of a series of workshops with comics artists leading a group of young artists through the process of making a 4 page comic from start to finish, leading up to Pocket Con’s digital day Dec. 5 (check out Pocket Con here!)

For the workshop I’ll be walking through story building and how we can come up with ideas/ brainstorm and create a story. Drawing upon improvisational theory (I assume there’s some theory to it- I don’t know, I just kind of make it up as I go…), I’ll be showing my Comics Creator 2.6 system (the free version online is the earlier 2.4 version) and how to generate a random batch of things and characters to work with your comics.

To warm up I’ve created a new Foto Dojo video for our Youtube channel that I’ll be editing and putting up over the next couple weeks (if I ever get caught up on grading!). In the mean time, check out some of the new Foto Dojo videos that are up for Blind Contour Drawing and painting– not really cartooning, but fun creative and drawing/painting exercises.

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